New Online Class

Wings Of Love

Join Emma Jayne online and learn how to create a romantic Valentine’s Day cake

Pause, rewind and rewatch as many times as you like.

This class is pre-recorded


New Online


Join Emma Jayne* and learn how to create Sassy, an elderly female bust cake.

Pause, rewind and rewatch as many times as you like.

This class is pre-recorded


New Online Class

The Leaf Elfin

Join Emma Jayne* and learn how to create The Leaf Elfin.

Pause, rewind and rewatch as many times as you like.

This class is pre-recorded


New Online Class

Bride Of Frankenstein

Join Emma Jayne and learn how to create

Bride Of Frankenstein, a terrifying bust cake!

Pause, rewind and rewatch as many times as you like

This class is pre recorded


The Making Of Queen Elizabeth l

Queen Elizabeth l

Join Emma Jayne live as she creates her show feature!

Pause, rewind and rewatch as many times as you like

This class is live


Weddings & Celebrations
Commission a Bespoke Design.